Saturday, May 23, 2009

Posting older video clips

Jeremy finally converted all my video clip files so now I can share them with ALL of YOU!!!!  I'm going to post Izzy's first steps and another where Izzy has my iPhone and is dancing.

Here is a video clip from Fall Festival 2007 at church.  Madison is with her friends, Madison Boone, Anna Claire, and Rhett Parrish.  She really misses Rhett (dressed as Diego) since he has moved away from Kingwood.  But they are so cute dancing together!

And here is one of Madison playing in the ocean with a  little girl she met at the hotel in Florida September 2008, DURING IKE!!!  We were relaxing and enjoying ourselves while Texas was taking a beating from IKE.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Preschool Graduation Slide Show

We had to break the slide show into 2 parts in order to upload to blog site.  They are titled with Part 1 and Part 2.  Enjoy!!!
Part 2

Part 1

Graduation Day

The reason there is a split between the video clips here is because I was sitting right in front of Carson Parker and was trying to get her attention to get up and go collect her diploma.  Instead, Mrs. Brock walked over to her and handed it to her while she stayed in her seat in a daze!!!  Too funny.  Carson is one of Madison's best friends in class and I couldn't help but laugh.  Sorry Carson!!!  Notice how Linnea, the girl at far right, helps Madison with her graduation cap at the end of ceremony.  Its SO SO sweet!!!

Graduation Day

Our Graduate:  Madison Ryleigh Shaw

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's been awhile, and we've been busy.

I'm going to post Madison's Preschool Graduation videos and clips here.  May not get to all of them tonight, as it is already 10:45pm and I have to be at school with 10 one year olds tomorrow to celebrate our LAST day of school with SPLASH Day!!!  Fun in the Sun and Water!!!  Yeah!!!  Anyway, Madison was SO very excited that she graduated preschool and I'm going to share with you some parts of her special ceremony.  Hope you Enjoy!!