Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Colorado 2007

We returned from another wonderful trip in Colorado. Beautiful scenery and temperatures, absolute heaven. Madison was old enough this year to try out the ice skating rink and also do pony rides at the stables. She loved playing in the COLD water streams in the village and also climbing the giant waterfall in the village. She has asked a few times to go back because she wants to see the mountains. Here are a few pictures of our trip. Isn't Madison just adorable on those itsy bitty ice skates? Click on the photo to enlarge picture for better viewing.


Lone Star Walker said...

We loved the pictures of Madison, but what about Isabella and Mom and dad. We don't want to leave them out. Pam

Susan said...

I love the lady bugs pic. Madison is beautiful as always, and our sweetie Isabella has expression that is priceless!

Susan said...

I believe we have a little movie star on a pony, and Dad is looking mighty good himself.

Susan said...

What a beautiful Mom Janet, she a Isabella are picture perfect.