Saturday, September 8, 2007

Potty Time Prizes

Today was a very eventful day at the Shaw household. After several weeks of making "pee-pee" in the Big Girl Potty and us trying to get her to understand that is where "poo-poo" goes too, we have finally made a breakthrough. Madison willingly and without hesitation made "poo-poo" in the potty. Of course she was thrilled b/c for weeks we have been telling her she would get prizes for doing it. She received a "Lulu" cookie and a Thomas the train to add to her new small train collection. I am hoping to have a nice train table with tracks set-up for Christmas morning. So if anyone would like to help contribute to her collection you can do so for Christmas. Here are some pictures of her enjoying her Potty Prizes. Way to go Madison!!! We are so Proud!!!!

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