Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pre-Summer Update!

Okay, so the school year is coming to an end which means lots of fun summer activities. We hope so anyway. Just want to let everyone know that Madison's Dance Recital will be June 7th at Kingwood High School Auditorium. Showtime starts at 10am but her performance is in Act 2 or the 17th group to perform. The title is The Captain's Daughter and they will be performing to Steven Curtis Chapman's Cinderella. She is getting excited about being all dressed up for the performance but this is also her very 1st performance so I'm not sure if she will do well. She tries, but she has a hard time staying focused. She will be receiving her medal for Gymnastics on Thursday. And she just finished up Soccer at the beginning of the month, so she also received a Bobble Head Soccer Trophy for participation. Her official last day of school is May 29th. We have Swim lessons planned and Vacation bible school scheduled as well as Art Camp in August, so we are ready for summer. We plan on going to visit Granny in June and Mimi in July. Then in September we are off to Flordia. Madison choose to go to the Beach this year for vacation so that will be interesting with a 1 year old. Madison has NEVER been to the beach before, this should be fun. Okay, I did it. I finally figured out how to link an audio file to our blog!!! Hope you enjoy!!! Love you all. The Shaw Family.

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